Meet the personality of the month of October

I am a creative thinker with a lot of passion for helping people learn new things. I am highly family oriented and I love to keep it cheerful.

The Personality of the Month of October

Ezebuiro Nnaemeka Seth  is our star employee of the month of October

Department – Studio

Role – Head of Department

Responsibilities: I oversee the entire departmental activities and ensure all productions are delivered in due time and in very high quality.

I also produce programs and direct written scripts during production.

  1. What is your highlight at the office for this month?

This will be the story of Chigozie Emmanuel, the millionaire affiliate marketing guru and how It has impacted a lot of young minds. The trend has also put a smile on our faces as a company.

  1. What is your best swallow? 

Eba & Ukazi soup

  1. If you are not working in your present role, what else will you be doing?

Creating personal content around relationships and life in general; which I am currently doing.

  1. What is your favorite movie?‍

The Platform; and this is because it exposed the art of survival in this kind of world that we live in.

  1.  Where is the best place you have traveled to?

Well because I don’t travel much I will say my village, Ihitte Uboma, it’s somewhere in Imo state. I’ve been there only thrice. And it is the best place I have traveled to because of the people and not the place itself.

  1. Tell me about a stressful scenario in the past and how you handled it

Are we not all stressed in this country? 

For me, It has basically been mental stress. And this is as a result of managing different people with different personalities in the workplace, and still having to deal with personal issues of life.

One thing that has really helped me was creating an activity schedule; I mean from 5am to 11pm. Following up the activity schedule has been challenging but it has helped me manage the mental stress.  I have been able to plan out time to relax, meditate and even sleep a bit more. It has also helped me become more productive and intentional.

  1. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

Maybe that I will start caring a bit less. I think I am too concerned sometimes.

  1. What hobbies or sports are you involved with outside of work, and why do you enjoy them?

Football. I am a fan. It is a game I enjoy playing and watching too.

And this is because it helps me relax, and makes me happy; even when my team isn’t playing.

  1. Tell me the one thing you will never get tired of doing.

Helping people learn something new to them. It is always a joyous experience for me.